What is the minimum and maximum number of members of a Gram/ Village Panchayat in Punjab ?
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Punjab has a 3 tier Panchayat system . They are Gram Panchayat at village level, Panchayat Samity at Block level and Zila Parishad at district level.
The Gram Panchayat is an elected body comprising of Gram Sabha members.It consists of Sarpanch and the number of Panches from 6(minimum) to 13 (maximum).
The Panchayat Secretary (Sarpanch) is the Gram Panchayat officer. This person is referred as Sarpanch who is vested with the responsibilities for the maintenance of records of the Gram Panchayat. The number of Panches varies as per the population of the constituency.
Hope this helps.
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minimum and maximum members of Gram Panchayat
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