What is the mode of nutrition in euglena?
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parasitic mood of nutrition ......
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Answer :-
"Euglena" obtains it's nutrition through both Autotrophic and Heterotrophic manners.
Extra Information :-
- Euglena forms a link between animals and plants.
- The presence of gullet, contractor vacuole, holozoic mode of nutrition and sometimes absence of chlorophyll pigments, show resemblance of Euglena with animals.
- Euglena lives in ponds and lakes that are rich in organic matter.
- Euglena always maintains it's solitary (never forming colonies) nature.
- In some cases, Euglena grows in mud or salt marshes.
- The Euglenal cell is spindle shaped, naked, spirally twisted and is colourless at the tips.
- The Euglenal cell consists of an anteriorly inserted flagellum.
- The Euglenal cell consists of a hard yet flexible covering beneath it's plasma membrane called "Pellicle".
- The nucleus of the Euglenal cell is centrally located and is prominent.
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