What is the moral presented by the poet in the poem ‘The Road Not taken’? (Write in about 100
-120 words)
Hints – inspirational, antithesis, eternal dilemma, encouragement of self-reliance, reinforces
power of independent thinking, taking ownership of decisions, making choice is inevitable,
nothing wrong or right but following passion and inner judgement, use determination and zest
What is the moral presented by the poet in the poem ‘The Road Not taken’? (Write in about 100
-120 words)
Hints – inspirational, antithesis, eternal dilemma, encouragement of self-reliance, reinforces
power of independent thinking, taking ownership of decisions, making choice is inevitable,
nothing wrong or right but following passion and inner judgement, use determination and zest
There are two roads to the journey of life humans take.
Although we all embark on a journey either consciously or unconsciously, but the roads we take are very different.
But theres a road which majority of humans takes, the road is always crowded as we feel that road is the easiest and profitable way for us.
Whereas the other road is almost never taken, because we feel it's difficult to walk by, as the road is filled with trees and giants grasses based on the fact that it is barely walked on.
We all want to survive, we all want money, money answers to all our problems, so we feel, and so when we are born and grow the only thing we care about, the only thing we fight for is how do I get money, how do I survive till the next day, how do I enjoy myself, cos I cant contain stress.
This is a road, and is taken my almost all of us.
Except a few who bypass all the “I want to survive, I need money else I'll die" world and just choose to live, live for the moment, endure the pains that comes with patience, workhard, worksmart, sow a seed, water it and wait for it to grow.
Not everyone have this level of resilience.
Now it doesn't matter which road you take, the fact that you chose to survive and I chose to live, doesn't mean you chose the bad road, and the fact that I chose to live doesn't mean I'm better.
The difference is what makes it different.
Just as Frost ended the poem: “I took the road less traveled, and that's all that matters.
There are no bad roads, theres only different battles that births different results.