Social Sciences, asked by hggjgff6085, 1 year ago

What is the most common problem for the youth these days – employment, enjoyment or health?


Answered by writersparadise
A survey conducted during the International Youth Day showed that 'Jobs' was the primary concern of the current youth.

However, the answer to this question could vary from person to person depending on their individual situations. However, employment could be a logical answer for the majority of them.

Without employment, a person could feel distraught and will not have much enjoyment and satisfaction in life. This feeling of being jobless could affect the lifestyle habits leading to health issues of the person.

On the contrary, having a job also does not guarantee a healthy life. There are many instances where the money earned from working is spent lavishly on unnecessary enjoyment and having risky lifestyle habits like consuming junk food, alcohol etc.
So, it is up to the individual situations and habits, and the preference changes from person to person.
Answered by Shaizakincsem
It is a combination of everything which leads to a lot of other problems. 

There are a plenty of issues the youth faces nowadays. I can't bring up a solitary most basic one. So let me list a couple of them.

The absence of planning.

Parental pressure with respect to the course of education.

Peer pressure

The absence of legitimate basic decision making.

Youth today is an age that has been spoiled a considerable measure in their adolescence. In that capacity, they rely upon a great deal on their parents. They have not been presented to the cruelty of the world. At the point when, unexpectedly, they confront the world, they fail to take legitimate choices and face a lot of issues.
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