English, asked by prathamkumbhare6764, 10 months ago

What is the most common punctuation mark?


Answered by Anonymous

The most common punctuation mark is the full stop. Every sentence except questions or exclamations must end with a full stop to be grammatically correct.

It is used for several purposes, the most frequent of which is to mark the end of a declaratory sentence; this sentence-terminal use is properly, or the precise meaning of, full stop.

Anonymous: Mark as brainliest yaar ace @banna @hai ✌️✌️❤️
Answered by Anonymous


Full Stop (.)

The full stop is used

  1. To mark the end of a declarative or imperative sentence.
  2. To separate date from year.
  3. After abbreviations of names, titles, degrees.

Question Mark (?)

Question Mark is uses at the end of all types of questions, such as direct questions, question tags, etc.

Exclamation Mark (!)

The exclamation mark is uses at the end of an exclamation to express joy, praise, wonder, sorrow, shock etc.

Comma (,)

The comma is used

  1. to separate more than two words in a series.
  2. to separate words, pairs of words, phrases and clauses.
  3. to indicate a word of group or words in apposition.
  4. to separate the words 'Yes' or 'No' from the the rest of the sentence.
  5. to separate month and the the year , or the date and the year.
  6. to separate question tags.
  7. to separate certain expression such as 'however', 'of course', etc.

Semi Colon (;)

The semicolon is uses when a greater pause is required than is indicated by the comma.

Colon (:)

The colon is used

  1. to introduce a quotation or a speech.
  2. to introduce a list after phrases such as 'the following'.
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