What is the most common type of debris that litters our oceans?
Debris is nothing but waste materials which pollute and contaminate our environment.
The debris is also a major reason behind the ocean water pollution.
Mainly the plastic and other non-biodegradable debris are the most contaminating agents for the oceans.
If we do not solve this debris contamination problem ,our marine ecosystem will be completely ruined in the near future.
Oceans are vast source of water but it is not drinkable as it has high concentration of water. At the same time it is life of many aquatic animals and plants.
Now a days people are spoiling the water with different waste products such as:
1. Plastic Bottles
2. Cigarettes
3. Food Wrappers
4. Plastic Utensils
5. Plastic Bags
6. Straws
7. Beverage Cans
8. Paper Bags and Styrofoam cups