What is the most extreme
weather you have
experienced? Describe how
you felt and whether you
were in danger ?Need urgent
I was at a college football (not soccer) game when a violent thunderstorm struck.
What happened was the entire stadium went dark. I’m talking zero visibility. My friend had his umbrella blown inside out.
Now picture the scene. Players had to find their way back to the locker rooms. Fans had to find their way back to their cars. All this in a driving rainstorm. No lights; not even emergency lighting.
As my friends and I headed to the parking lot, flashes of lightning were the only thing guiding us in the right direction. In what seemed like an eternity, we finally made it back to the car.
The trip home wasn’t much better, as the whole area had lost power. Nothing was lit. The highways were dark. The businesses were dark.
Finally, down the road, some power was restored. We decided to stop to eat and chose a place that had curb service. The waitress came to the car and took our order. Power was soon lost again. During the outage, my friend decided to play a prank. He moved his car to a different spot. When the lights came back on, the waitress was bringing the order to our previous spot, only to find us missing. We watched her frantically look around. Finally my friend honked his horn. He said he just decided to move.
I’ve been in quite a few bad storms in my time. Perhaps I’ll save some for future questions.
All in all, it was quite an experience. One I wouldn’t want to repeat.