What is the most important thing to look for in historical research?
What is a tainted source and how should you handle them?
What are examples of dubious secondary sources and what is the problem with using them?
Please help!!!!!!
The two contribution of the Bidhan Chandra Roy on the refugee problem of Bengal are :
1. B C Roy rehabilitated the refugees living in camps in reclaimed or follow lands and in some professions and occupations.
2. Secondly he transferred some refugees and rehabilitated them in never areas like Andaman, Bihar and Orissa.
Bidhan Chandra Roy tactfully solved the refugee crises in Bengal and laid the foundation of modern and prosperous Bengal.
In the field of historical study, historical research is a vital activity and is important for both researches and academicians as well. Historical research is highly beneficial for practitioners, students and academicians to understand how recreation, park, and leisure services have developed from ancient ages.
The goal of historical research is to preserve the information collected and the interpretations of various facts.
The tainted sources describes historical book examines the intellectually the origins of the European project and finds similarities with fascist ideologies, geopolitics, and economic policies of Nazi.
Secondary sources are generally scholarly books and articles for a historical research project, A secondary source always interprets and analyses primary sources of historical events.
Examples of secondary sources are A informative and scholarly journal article about the history.