English, asked by divyahardaha13, 8 months ago

what is the most important thing you learn in this semester? why do you think so? what all things according to you should be in semester.​


Answered by sujeetrana7370


I think college experience has taught me the value of life itself. It was a place where a bunch of really smart people got in to create value out of their four years of undergraduate studies. One of the most basic lessons that I learnt in college was Survival itself - the ability to carve a niche for oneself using all the available resources one has - was practically the underlying theme of my college experience. There were other lots of learning too, yet as I have come out of college into the corporate world, I guess this was the most important lesson my school taught me.

Yes, it taught me how to play, how to study, what to study, what not to study - well then that you can learn at any college, however learning how to work when the going gets tough and people have ruled you out due to poor performance is one of the takeaway lessons of my college experience. Survival requires the following qualities in an individual:

- Self Belief -- Yes, self belief is one of the most important characteristics of a survivor. Life is such an unpredictable sport, where the rules are ill-defined and randomness rules at large that you need to be confident and backup your own abilities and you might never know when success might be around the corner. Yes, I have seen the weirdest of "non-serious" students come up with unbelievable results when essentially what they followed was a high risk, low success path. They taught me more than what professors or any course books could have ever taught.

- Creativity -- One of the qualities of every successful student. To overcome a problem knowing the solution is not always sufficient; you need to understand the solution in your own contexts. Our abilities are so different that any generic solution applicable to all is impossible to exist right away. Therefore, one needs to understand it in the light of one's own capabilities and then try to overcome that same problem.

- Hard work -- Well yes workaholics rarely fail for failure is not an option for them. They try, try, try and finally succeed, intermittent failures are not the end points for them. To better what has already been done, with the limited scope of your capabilities one needs to put in as much effort as possible. Not everyone is bestowed with all the capabilities and skills and yet working hard seems to bridge that gap.

- Focused Approach -- This is a common attribute of all those that have been able to find their path. One needs to be focused on their goals. Trying to solve a wide range of problems can result in a huge amount of knowledge without results.

- Planning -- With limited resources (time, money and effort) college life teaches you to survive in the scarcity of human life. Planning leads to efficient utilization of one's skills, discovery of one's own talents and interests.

- Execution -- Finally, execution under pressure is what is the most important. I failed utterly on the most important day of my college life - the reason being my inability to come to terms with handling pressure and expectations and though the tears rolled down, no one really cares. It is essential to put your mind to work in a calm and serene manner on the D-day and once you do that you increase your chances of getting over the final hurdle (the hurdle of faith) and come out of successful.

- Team work -- Team work solves a lot of problems and generally winners work in a team.

- Motivation, Enjoying Work, Smartness in work are some of the other essential qualities that can lead one to success. Enjoy life, respect one's field of study and smart selection of problems and their solutions are the right ingredients in finding the paths to success.

Sorry for the long answer!!

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