what is the name of song

Gulabi Akhe Jo tuni dekhi
B T S is a south korean world famous singing band of bantaan entertainment company
which includes 7 members(boys)
5)V or Kim taehyoung
6)RM (rap monster)
7) J hope
They are billionaire but SOo down to the earth
The fans of B T S are known as 'a r m y'
coz they symbolize strength
lastly I would like to say u to promote Indian music and Indian band either than any other countries band
yesterday we lost our 40 C R P F which was considered as black day!!!!
the poor soldiers are sacrificing their lives for motherland India but we what are we doing?
Nothing!!! we are just promoting others countries band
because of us they are becoming billionaire
n we ?
n we are just adopting f o r i g e n culture!!
I hope u understand!!!
Radhe radhe~