What is the name of the logo file in apigee developer portal ?
- login as admin on apigee Dev portal.
-Go to appearae dropdown to navigate to apigee respon
Appearance -> settings -> apigee respons live
- scroll down to Logo image settings
-uncheack the option use the default logo
- add the custum logo using upload logo image
to costmixe the apigee responsive theme you will have to create a sub theme of the apigee responsive theme.
The Apigee responsive themes is present under
<devportal_roots >/sites /all/themes /<your_new_theme>.<br>
after copying ,follow the instruction in the Readme.txt in the copied directory
after you have done all the required changes ,you will need to enable your new subtheme from appearance menu .
once you have enabled your new theme you can make changes to the css file included in your subtheme to change the size of the logo image.