Social Sciences, asked by deepakkumar4789, 11 months ago

What is the name of the yellow zone found approximately in the center of this map of Africa?


Answered by antiochus

The yellow zone located in Africa map indicates the areas effected by risk of yellow fever virus transmission in Africa.

Yellow fever virus (YFV) may be a fibre ribonucleic acid virus that belongs to the genus animal virus.

Vectorborne transmission happens via the bite of associate infected dipterous insect, primarily Aedes or Haemagogus spp. dehumanised and human primates are the most reservoirs of the virus, with anthroponotic (human-to-vector-to-human) transmission occurring. There are three transmission cycles for yellow fever: sylvatic (jungle), intermediate (savannah), and urban.

The sylvatic (jungle) cycle involves transmission of the virus between dehumanised primates and dipterous insect species found within the forest cover. The virus is transmitted via mosquitoes from monkeys to humans once the humans encroach into the jungle throughout activity or recreational activities.

In Africa, associate intermediate (savannah) cycle involves transmission of YFV from tree hole-breeding Aedes spp. to humans living or operating in jungle border areas. during this cycle, the virus is also transmitted from monkeys to humans or from human to human via these mosquitoes.

The urban cycle involves transmission of the virus between humans and peridomestic mosquitoes, primarily Ae. aegypti.

Humans infected with YFV expertise the very best levels of viraemia and might transmit the virus to mosquitoes shortly before onset of fever and for the primary 3–5 days of unwellness. Given the high level of viraemia, bloodborne transmission in theory will occur via transfusion or needlesticks. One case of perinatal transmission of wild-type YFV has been documented from a girl WHO developed symptoms of black vomit three days before parturition. The baby tested positive for YFV RNA and died of sudden black vomit on the twelfth day of life

Answered by hotelcalifornia


The "name of the yellow zone" found approximately in the "center of this map of Africa" is the "region of risk of transmission of yellow fever".


Yellow fever is an endemic viral disease that spreads because of Aedes or Haemagogus mosquito’s bite. Its symptoms are feeling feverish, not feeling hungry, body ache etc. This disease is mostly found in sub-Saharan Africa and South America. This disease is called so because it damages the liver cells which causes yellowing of skin.

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