what is the need for conservation of forest?(say 5 points)
forests plays a vital role in balancing of bipsphere and it is only source of oxygen we can say 'oxygen factory' and these are called the environment purifiers
Forests are an important natural resource. They are useful to us in a number of ways. They provide us with timber and a host of other products like lac, resins, gums, medicinal herbs, leaves, honey, etc. Forests help in maintaining the ecological balance, by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen.
They cause rainfall and prevent floods and soil erosion. They also provide natural habitat to various species of wildlife.
Increasing population growing demand for land has resulted in the depletion of forest cover all over the world. Forested areas Increasing ever pue are cleared to make way for farms, industries and towns.
Large scale cutting down of trees is called deforestation. Although forests are renewable resources, they take a long time to regenerate themselves. Therefore, they need to be conserved. Awareness about the importance of forests needs to be spread among people of all communities.
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