what is the need of Power in industries
without power and industry cannot make anything the company would fall in loss
Power supply events such as power outages, sags and surges represent one of the biggest threats to manufacturers and industrial facilities around the world.
For these organizations, the damage caused even by a momentary interruption to an otherwise clean supply of electricity can be devastating. With the frequency and severity of power interruptions on the rise, many such facilities are opting to install power protection systems to safeguard equipment and maintain productivity even under extreme power conditions. Here, we look at the dangers of power supply fluctuations and how equipment such as voltage conditioners and uninterruptible power supplies can protect our industries from harm.
For most people, power cuts are nothing more than an infrequent nuisance. However, for large organizations and industrial facilities, they are a serious threat: General Electric estimate that a third of businesses would lose over $50,000 in just an hour without electricity, while for larger companies this figure could rise as high as $6.5 million.
Manufacturers and industrial organizations are particularly vulnerable to power supply anomalies. For industries that produce cars, electronics, food and drink, pharmaceuticals or operate medical equipment; a power outage lasting ten seconds can mean much more than a momentary lapse in production. Even an incredibly brief loss of power can cause serious damage to sensitive equipment, machinery, final products, materials and the ensuing restarts can be incredibly time-consuming and expensive.