What is the net charge found in minerals where there has been an isomorphic substitution of Al ion for Si ion occure in tetrahedral sheet?
Clay minerals refers to a group of hydrous aluminosili-
cates that predominate the clay-sized (<2 |xm) fraction of
soils. These minerals are similar in chemical and structural
composition to the primary minerals that originate from
the Earth's crust; however, transformations in the
geometric arrangement of atoms and ions within their
structures occur due to weathering. Primary minerals form
at elevated temperatures and pressures, and are usually
derived from igneous or metamorphic rocks. Inside the
Earth these minerals are relatively stable, but transform-
ations may occur once exposed to the ambient conditions
of the Earth's surface. Although some of the most resistant
primary minerals (quartz, micas, and some feldspars) may
persist in soils, other less resistant minerals (pyroxenes,
amphiboles, and a host of accessory minerals) are prone to
breakdown and weathering, thus forming secondary
minerals. The resultant secondary minerals are the
culmination of either alteration of the primary mineral
structure (incongruent reaction) or neoformation through
precipitation or recrystallization of dissolved constituents
into a more stable structure (congruent reaction). These
secondary minerals are often referred to as phyllosilicates
because, as the name implies (Greek: phyllon, leaf), they
exhibit a platy or flaky habit, while one of their
fundamental structural units is an extended sheet of SiO4
The properties that determine the composition of a mineral
are derived from its chemical foundation, geometric
arrangement of atoms and ions, and the electrical forces
that bind them together (1). Given that there are eight
elements that constitute over 99% of the Earth's crust
(Table 1), the inclusion of these in the elemental makeup
of soil minerals is understandable. Notwithstanding, the
prevalence of silicon and oxygen in the phyllosilicate
structure is logical. The SiC>4 tetrahedron is the foundation
of all silicate structures. It consists of four O2
~~ ions at the
apices of a regular tetrahedron coordinated to one Si4+
the center (Fig. 1). An interlocking array of these
tetrahedral connected at three corners in the same plane
by shared oxygen anions forms a hexagonal network
called the tetrahedral sheet (2). When external ions bond to
the tetrahedral sheet they are coordinated to one hydroxyl
and two oxygen anion groups. An aluminum, magnesium,
or iron ion typically serves as the coordinating cation and
is surrounded by six oxygen atoms or hydroxyl groups
resulting in an eight-sided building block termed an
octohedron (Fig. 1). The horizontal linkage of multiple
octahedra comprises the octahedral sheet. The minerals
brucite Mg(0H)2 and gibbsite A1(OH)3 are similar to the
octahedral sheets found in many clay minerals; however,
phyllosilicates may contain coordinating anions other than
hydroxyls. Cations in the octahedral layer may exist in a
divalent or trivalent state. When the cations are divalent
(Mg, Fe2+), the layer exhibits a geometry similar to
brucite, such that electrical neutrality is maintained. In this
arrangement the ratio of divalent cations to oxygens is 1:2
and all three possible cation sites in the octahedron are
occupied. This configuration and the respective sheet
formed from an array of such as octahedral are referred to
as trioctahedral. When the cations are trivalent (Al, Fe3+),
the charge balance is maintained by leaving one of every
three octahedral cation sites empty. Under this configur-
ation, the ratio of trivalent cations to oxygens is 1:3 and the
layer exhibits a gibbsite-like dioctahedral arrangement. A
combination of tetrahedral and di- or trioctahedral sheets
bound by shared oxygen atoms forms aluminosilicate
layers that comprise the basic structural units of
phyllosilicates (Fig. 2). Sheet arrangement within the
aluminosilicate layers varies between clay mineral types
resulting in variable physical and chemical properties that
differentiate the clay mineral classes.