what is the nutritive value and importance of gram (channa) ?
Horse gram is rich in dietary iron and calcium. It is also one of the richest vegetarian sources of protein. However, the calcium and iron are combined into certain chemical compounds, rendering them un-absorbable by the body. Germination of the horsegram is a simple method of food processing that increases the availability of iron and calcium, resulting in increased nutritive value. Sprouted horsegram is also digested much more easily. Horsegram is frequently consumed during winters and cold weather in India and is used to tide over coughs and colds because it tends to increase the level of heat in the body. However, when the sun is up, if the horsegram is heating the body up, it must be balanced by eating sprouted green gram.
100gms of horse gram supplies 321 calories, 22gms of protein, 287mg of Calcium, 311 mg of Phosphorus and 7mg of Iron.