what is the Objective for this question?
An Objective question is an type of question which is to be answered in one word mostly.
There is a variety of ways that questions can be constructed objectively.
Multiple choice questions (MCQs) are the traditional 'choose one from a list' of possible answers.
True/False questions require a candidate to assess whether a statement is true or not.
Assertion-Reason questions combine elements of MCQ and true-false.
Multiple response questions (MRQs) are similar to MCQs, but involve the selection of more than one answer from a list.
Text/Numerical questions involve the input of text or numbers.
Matching questions involve linking items in one list to items in a second list.
Ranking questions require the candidate to relate items in a column to one another and can be used to test the knowledge of sequences, order of events, or level of gradation.
Sequencing questions require the candidate to position text or graphic objects in a given sequence. These are particularly good for testing methodology.
Field simulation questions offer simulations of real problems or exercises.
Graphical hotspot questions involve selecting an area(s) of the screen, by moving a marker to the required position. Advanced types of hotspot questions include labelling and building questions.
Hope this helps you...
The transfer of power from central and state governments to local governments is called decentralization of power.
It is favoured in any democracy as it has the following advantages :-
1) The local people have better views on how to manage money.
2) These people have better knowledge about their problems and solution to resolve them.
3) It develops a practice of regular decision making among the people.
4) All the matters at the local level are resolved among the people themselves.
Hope it helps...