What is the observation of a paramecium undermicroscope
On the surface of the organism are short hair-like structures are the cilia. As you already learned, the cilia have three functions: to help the paramecium move, to help it capture food, and to help it sense the environment. Also on the surface you will find an indentation called the oral groove. The oral grove is lined with cilia to help the organism capture food. At the end of the oral grove is where the paramecium takes in its food through endocytosis. The food enters the organism and becomes trapped in a food vacuole. The vacuole stores the food and is broken down when it combines with a lysosome. You may also be able to observe a part on the surface called the anal pore. The anal pore is where the waste leaves the organism.
Inside the organism you will also note a star-shaped organelle. This is the contractile vacuole. As with the amoeba, the contractile vacuole collects and removes excess water. You can observe the contractile vacuole work in the video. Also inside you will find not one but TWO nuclei. The large nucleus controls the day-to-day functions of the cell. The large nucleus is visible and is a slightly different color from the rest of the organelles. The small nucleus only controls reproduction.