what is the ohm law in chemistry??????? 12th science?????????

In 1828, George Simon Ohm, a German physicist, derived a relationship between electric current and potential difference. This relationship is known as Ohm’s law. Certain formulas in Physics are so prevalent that they become popular knowledge that you end up memorising without trying. In the field of Modern Physics, it is E=m⋅c2. Similarly, in the field of current electricity, it is the Ohm’s law about which we will be studying in this article.
Table of Contents
What is Ohm’s Law?
How does Ohm’s Law Work?
Ohm’s Law Applications
Ohm’s Law Limitations
Calculating Ohm’s Law Parameter
Ohm’s Law Circuit Analysis
Ohm’s Law Triangle Examples
Calculating Electrical Power
Power Triangle
Ohm’s Law Pie Chart and Matrix Table
Ohm’s Law FAQ’s
What is Ohm’s Law?
Ohm’s Law states that the current flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference applied across its ends, provided the temperature and other physical conditions remain unchanged. Mathematically it can be represented as,
Potential difference ∝ Current
V ∝ I
( When the value of V increases the value of I increases simultaneously)
V = IR
V is Voltage in volts (V)
R is Resistance in ohm (Ω)
I is Current in Ampere (A)
How does Ohm’s Law work?
Ohm’s Law describes the current flow through a resistance when different electric potentials (voltage) are applied at each end of the resistance. Since we can’t see electrons, the model or an analogy of electric circuits used to help us understand circuits better is the water-pipe analogy. Water flowing through pipes is a good mechanical system that is analogous to an electrical circuit.
Here, the voltage is analogous to water pressure, the current is the amount of water flowing through the pipe, and the resistance is the size of the pipe. More water will flow through the pipe (current) when more pressure is applied (voltage) and the bigger the pipe, (lower the resistance).
Different Applications of Ohm’s Law
The main applications of Ohm’s law are:
To determine the voltage, resistance or current of an electric circuit.
Ohm’s law is used to maintain the desired voltage drop across the electronic components.
Ohm’s law is also used in dc ammeter and other dc shunts to divert the current.
Limitations of Ohm’s Law
Following are the limitations of Ohm’s law:
Ohm’s law is not applicable for unilateral electrical elements like diodes and transistors as they allow the current to flow through in one direction only.
For non-linear electrical elements with parameters like capacitance, resistance etc the voltage and current won’t be constant with respect to time making it difficult to use Ohm’s law.
Calculating Different Parameters Using Ohm’s Law
As an equation, the Ohm’s Law serves as an algebraic recipe for calculating the current when the resistance and the potential difference are known. Likewise, if any two parameters in the equation are known, then the unknown third parameter can be easily calculated as follows:
To find Voltage(V),
V = IR
To find Current(I),
To find Resistance(R),
Analyzing Simple Circuits Using Ohm’s Law
Resistive Circuits are analyzed using the Ohm’s Law. The law is often used to find the voltage, current or resistances of the circuit. The law relates these three quantities by the equation V = IR. Ohm’s Law Triangle helps us remember this equation while solving problems. Here, the three quantities V, I and R are superimposed into a triangle with voltage at the top and current and resistance below. The magic V I R triangle can be used to calculate all formulations of Ohm’s law.
The Ohm’s law Triangle
If the value of voltage is asked and the values of the current and resistance are given, then to calculate voltage simply cover V at the top. So, we are left with the I and R orI X R. So, the equation for Voltage is Current multiplied by Resistance. Examples of how the magic triangle is employed to determine the voltage using Ohm’s law is given below.
Ohm’s Law Magic Triangle