English, asked by anso1409, 8 months ago

What is the overarching claim of "" does the justice system neglect forgiveness?"" By Oriel FeldmanHall and Peter Sokol-Hessner


Answered by millerlf8011


The justice system does not account for the alternative solutions that could be made available for crimes committed that would allow for greater reconciliation on the victim's part and rehabilitation on the criminal's part is the overarching claim (or thesis) of this article.


The article opens with an explanation of a widely accepted concept of what many people believe "justice" is; "an eye for an eye." This concept is explained in a fashion that makes it seem naive and unreasonable. Then the authors of the article go on to explain what it could look like if alternative actions were taken besides serving out time in prison and other common punishments for crimes committed. The authors are trying to create an image of what the world could potentially look like when both the victim and perpetrator reach a point of reconciliation with a painful event, even to the point--as described in the last paragraph of this article--of asking for forgiveness.

I hope this is somewhat what you were hoping for in an answer. This is my first time on this site, and my first time answering a question.

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