what is the poet's attitude towards television?
As revealed in the poem, the poet is disgusted with television as it captures the attention of little children for long hours and makes their brains dull. He sees television in sharp contrast with books which he feels are the only things that can give children the imaginative faculty and pure joy. He calls television an “idiotic thing” which delivers only “shocking ghastly junk”. Dahl advises the parents to throw their TV set away and install a lovely bookshelf in its place.
Poet Roald Dahl feels that the television is a “ghastly junk “. He feels that television makes the brain of a child dull and ceases their ability to do something creative. He sees television in a great contrast to the books. He feels books develop the power of imagination in a child , while television set is like an idiot box which keeps the child in its place but damages their brain and they forget about all their earthly responsibilities and social manners.