What is the point of auguries of innocence?
Auguries of Innocence is a collection of conflicting situations written as a kind of prophetic judgement. It pits the innocent against the mature, the rich against the poor, the elite against the underprivileged, and invites the audience to recognize the fragile beauty and balance found within nature.
Auguries of Innocence" is a poem from one of William Blake's notebooks now known as The Pickering Manuscript.[1] It is assumed to have been written in 1803, but was not published until 1863 in the companion volume to Alexander Gilchrist's biography of William Blake. The poem contains a series of paradoxes which speak of innocence juxtaposed with evil and corruption. The poem is 132 lines and has been published with and without breaks that divide the poem into stanzas. An augury is a sign or omen