What is the point of view of broken hope
The Doctor hated his job, not all of it but this part. His job is usually so rewarding. He saves people’s lives, he gives mothers their children. He is the guardian angel that they pray for. He strides down the hospital halls, his footsteps creating a symphony of righteous and warm music. The walls of the obstetrics center painted with bright vibrant colors, full of sounds of happiness and joy. The Doctor would walk down the hall full of pride. Standing straight a grin of true content on his face. New fathers would greet him with thank you’s and handshakes. And the mothers, while thankful couldn’t bare to tear their gaze from their new childs face. They just mumbled thank you as they cried tears of joy. The nurses would give him flirtatious looks, and he would send them right back. The interns looked at him like he was a rockstar, their hero. But not today, today was different.