English, asked by niku3464, 10 months ago

What is the position of language education in India


Answered by Anuj20Kr07Maurya

Language in india

Modern India, as per the 1961 Census, has more than 1652 mother tongues, genetically belonging to five different language families. The 1991 Census had 10,400 raw returns of mother tongues and they were rationalized into 1576 mother tongues. They are further rationalized into 216 mother tongues, and grouped under 114 languages: Austro-Asiatic (14 languages, with a total population of 1.13%), Dravidian (17 languages, with a total population of 22.53%), Indo-European (Indo-Aryan, 19 languages, with a total population of 75.28%, and Germanic, 1 language, with a total population of 0.02%), Semito-Harmitic (1 language, with a total population of 0.01%), and Tibeto-Burman (62 languages with a total population of 0.97%). It may be noted that mother tongues having a population of less than 10000 on all India basis or not possible to identify on the basis of available linguistic information have gone under 'others'.

Family-Wise Grouping Of The 122 Scheduled and Non-Scheduled Languages - 2001

Language families Number of Languages Persons who returned the languages as their mother tongue Percentage to total population

1. Indo-European      

(a) Indo-Aryan 21 790,627,060 76.87

(b) Iranian 2 22,774 00.00

(c) Germanic 1 226,449 00.02

2. Dravidian 17 214,172,874 20.82

3. Austro-Asiatic 14 11,442,029 01.11

4. Tibeto-Burmese 66 10,305,026 01.00

5. Semito-Hamitic 1 51,728 00.01

Total 122 1,026,847,940* 99.83*

Answered by revol
high priority is given to the languages in India.
Languages include English,Marathi,and Hindi and some other Indian Languages.
Hindi is national Language of India.
English is National Language.
Marathi,Telugu,tamil,Gujarati,PanjabiBhojpuri and other Indian languages are spoken in their respective regions.
people's of India think that speaking mother tongue is the respectful thing for them.
therefore, position of languages in India is high.
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