Biology, asked by bhumi77, 1 year ago

what is the positive empact and Negative empact of green revolution


Answered by kashika4

1 - Increase in Production / yield.

2 - Advantage to farmers: this includes their economic situation improving, even small and marginal farmers (although they were late in joining) getting better yield, control on many insects and pests, mechanizing improved working conditions.

3- Better land use by employing two and three crop pattern.

4 - better scientific methods applied as per requirement of farms.

5- New seeds have been developed with better yield and disease fighting capability.


1- Degradation of land: Due to change in land use pattern and employing two and three crop rotation every year land quality has gone down and yield has sufferred.

2- Degradation of land part 2: Due to heavy chemical fertilizer inputs land has become hard and carbon material has gone down.

3- Weeds have increased: Due to heavy crop rotation pattern we do not give rest to land nor we have time to employ proper weed removal system which has increased weeds.

4- Pest infestation has gone up: Pests which we used to control by bio degradable methods have become resistant to many pesticides and now these chemical pesticides have become non effective.

5- Loss of bio diversity: Due to heavy use of chemical pesticides, insecticides and fertilizers we have lost many birds and friendly insects and this is a big loss in long term.

6- Chemicals in water: These chemicals which we have been using in our farms go down and contiminate ground water which effect our and our children health.

7: Water table has gone down: Water table has gone down due to lack of water harvesting systems and now we have to pull water from 300 to 400 ft. depth which was 40 to 50 feet earlier.

8: Loss of old seeds: We have started using new seeds and lost old once since new once give better yield but due to this we have lost many important geens in these seeds.

Rohansmaty: i was saying to the girl answered the question
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Rohansmaty: why sexo
Anonymous: wait
Rohansmaty: ok
Rohansmaty: anything for u
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Rohansmaty: why tell me the reason
Anonymous: Bcz comment box is only for query about ans not for chatting ohk
Rohansmaty: i can use it
Answered by Anonymous
⭐Hey here is your answer ⭐


1)India has become self sufficient in food grains

2)The production of food grains has increased many times

3)Agro based industry have got a boost

4)The living standard of the farmers has improved..


1) HYV seed need plenty of Water and chemical fertilizers

2)IT is associated with the lose of soil fertility due to excessive use of chemical fertilizers

3) Continuous use of groundwater has reduced the water table below the ground

4)Green revolution is limited to only some states in India...


thnx for asking ur question ✌️✌️
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