what is the possible ones digit of the square root of 5476
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ist of all give root to the 5476 and then the solution will be 74 and 4 is at one's place. so, the answer is 4
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4 and 6 are possible once digits of the square root 5476
To get the possible once digit of any square
first see the last digit of the square
after it remember in which number's squares of 1 (0 to 9 )
By doing this you got the answer
squares of 1 to 9
square of 0 = 0
1^2 = 1
2^2 = 4
3^3 = 9
4^4 = 16
5^5 = 25
6^6 = 36
7^7 = 49
8^8 = 74
9^9 = 81
Now it's for example find the once digit( last digit of the number from our left) of the square root of 529
Now see the once digit of 529
that is 9
And Now see the above-mentioned list of squares from 0 to 9
in which number's square you got 9
So the answer is 3 and 9
Therefore the possible once digit of square root of 529 is 3 and 9
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