What is the problem of having holograms being made portable?
3D hologram is three dimensional image generated using photographic projection. It is truly 3D and free standing image which does not simulate spatial depth.
• It does not require special glasses to view.
• In other words, it is defined as 3D projection which exists freely in the space. It is holographic recording of light field than image formed by lens.
• It is used to display objects and animated sequences in three dimensions.
• Hologram is physical structure which diffracts light into image and it is easy to make.
• They are made using laser beam which is split into two beams using special lens.
hope it helps
➨It has higher production cost compare to 2D projection. ➨It is not easily seen in the presence of fluorescent lighting. ➨Use of applying the concept of holographic projection in the design of products are costly. ➨It is time consuming to construct images using 3D holograms.
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