Computer Science, asked by beenakatoch9, 3 months ago

what is the process of adding records in the database​


Answered by ritikarokaderokade


Often, youʼll need to add information to the database by creating new records, or you may need to change or delete an existing record. You perform all these actions from the data list.

To create a new record:

On the data access bar, click the icon for the table where you want to add the new record. Manager opens a data list containing the results of the last search you made in this table.

Note: If your Λctiv8 Manager preferences are set to “Launch Search,” instead of the data list youʼll see the Search dialog. Because youʼre going to create a new record, it doesnʼt matter what search criteria you enter: you can accept the existing settings and click Search immediately, or you can click Clear first and retrieve all the records in the table (this may take some time).

On the data list windowʼs tool bar, click the New Record icon (or choose Create New Record from the Edit menu or the right-click menu; keyboard shortcut Ctrl‑N).

You can also create a new record from an open data entry dialog: Click the New Record or Save and New Record icon on the dialogʼs tool bar.

In the blank data dialog box, enter all available information for the new entry. Use the Tab key to move from field to field.

Often, you can save time by copying an existing record into the dialog box and then changing the fields that are different.

When finished, click Save, or the diskette icon on the data dialogʼs tool bar.

To save the record and create another new one immediately, click Save and New Record (Ctrl‑Enter).

To close the dialog, click Close, or the Close button in the top right corner, or press ESC.

Caution If you click Close without first clicking Save, Manager will not save the record and your changes will be lost.

Copying a record

Often, the most efficient way to create a new database record is to copy an existing one and modify it as necessary. There are two ways to do this: with the Copy Record command, or by dragging and dropping an item from a data list.

To copy a record with the Copy Record command:

To copy a record by dragging and dropping:

With either method, Manager copies the data from the existing record to the new one; you can then edit fields as necessary and save.

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