What is the process of urine formation takes place in nephron?
If you were to centrifuge a blood sample to seperate the blood cells from the serum, you would notice that the serum looks like urine. That is because it's the same liquid. As this liquid passes through the kidneys, the kidneys allow some minerals and nutrients and water to stay in the body, but through osmosis, toxins and some unneeded vitamins and minerals are filtered out and passed down into the bladder with enough liquid the get the waste down into the bladder to get excreted. Some chemicals have to be converted by the liver before the kidneys can filter them out. Many medications are examples of some things that must be changed by the liver before the kidneys can filter them out. During dehydration periods such as a roofer drinking plenty of of water but hardly urinating all day because of profuse sweating, causes the kidneys to allow more water to stay in the blood stream. Once work has stopped along with the sweating where the person can become hydrated again, they urinate. They notice that the urine is dark yellow, smells strong, and it may even burn just a bit to urinate. This is because waste products built up in the blood system because the kidneys were preventing dangerous dehydration conditions in the body.