Biology, asked by rs7153625, 2 months ago

what is the purpose of identification of nutritional and health status of people?
write the answer in about 100-150 words.​


Answered by kajalshrivastava0854


Information about nutritional status, i.e., nutritional assessments, is essential for identification of potential critical nutrients (at population groups at risk of deficiency); formulation of recommendations for nutrient intake; development of effective public health nutrition (PHN) program for nutrition-related ...

Answered by Aaaryaa

Nutritional assessment can be defined as the interpretation from dietary, laboratory, anthropometric, and clinical studies. It is used to determine the nutritional status of individual or population groups as influenced by the intake and utilization of nutrients” (Gibson, 2005). Nutritional status represents meeting of human body needs for nutritive and protective substances and the reflection of these in physical, physiological, and biochemical characteristics, functional capability, and health status. Information about nutritional status, i.e., nutritional assessments, is essential for identification of potential critical nutrients (at population groups at risk of deficiency); formulation of recommendations for nutrient intake; development of effective public health nutrition (PHN) program for nutrition-related diseases prevention; and monitoring the efficiency of such interventions (Elmadfa and Meyer, 2014). In current nutrition epidemiology (NE) and PHN research, data collection and comparison against each other, and recommendations, and further development and application of a harmonized and standardized nutritional assessment methodology is a necessity (Gurinović, 2016). Beside these major instruments, to correctly interpret the results of nutritional assessment methods, other factors (socioeconomic status, cultural practices, and health and vital statistics–ecological factors) should also be considered.

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