What is the purpose of vocational subjects this year?How far is this helpful in my grades in the board exam?
Vocational education is concerned with the training on vocation. It is related to productivity. Vocational education prepares individuals for jobs. It has adequate employment potentialities. It helps in broadening of horizon. It leads to dignity of labour. It is helpful in the maximum utilisation of the material resources of the country.
When vocational educational education is mixed with general education it is called vocationlisation of education. Vocationalisation of education is designed to introduce manual skills in general education. Vocationalisation of education means training in some vocations at the secondary, Higher Secondary level with general education.
Following are the aims and objectives of vocationalisation of education
1. To develop a healthy attitude among students towards work and life.
2. To enhance individual employability.
3. To reduce the mismatch between the demand and supply of skill man-power.
4. To provide an alternative for those intending to pursue higher education without particular interest or purpose.
5. To prepare students for identified vocations spanning several area of activity.
6. An emphasis in vocational education will also be on development of attitudes, knowledge, and skills for entrepreneurship and self-employment.
7. To provide opportunities to fulfil the needs of women, rural and tribal students and the deprived sections of society.
8. To give opportunities for professional growth, career improvement and lateral entry into courses of general, technical and professional education through appropriate bridge courses.
From the above discussion we may conclude some of the common aims and objectives of vocationalisation of education.
These are as follows:
(1) To increase the productive potential of the country.
(2) To raise the economic standard of people.
(3) To reduce the level of unemployment by providing self- employment schemes.
(4) To utilize man-power to fullest extent.
(5) To make the students skilled technician.
(6) To help for equitable sharing of benefits of economic development to ensure social and economic justice.
(7) To help students understand the scientific and technological aspects of contemporary civilisation.
(8) To make use of material and human resources.
(9) To exploit the scientific and technical knowledge for betterment of the society.
(10) To generate in pupils a love and appreciation for work.
Now-a-days, vocational education has got due impetus due to the development of science and technology. So planning and implementation of the programme will certainly help in controlling and solving the problem of educated unemployment of our country.