What is the purpose of water quality analysis?
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hell... ooo!!
The purpose of an analysis of water varies with the use to which the water is to be put. From a scientific point of view the purpose of an analysis is to give accurate information concerning the composition of the sample. From a potable point of view it is to determine whether or not the water is suitable for consumption. From a technical point of view the desired knowledge lies in the direction of the utility of the water for the technical purposes to which it is to be applied. Analyses are made of water, also, with a view of ascertaining what action, if any, the water may have on the containing vessels carrying it or in which it is to be held. For beverage purposes, and that is the principal purpose of this book, the analysis of water would be particularly interesting from a sanitary point of view. The presence of certain substances in water is connected more or less intimately with the potability of the sample, and the following principles of interpretation may be applied with that point in view.
hope this helps you.....!!
The purpose of an analysis of water varies with the use to which the water is to be put. From a scientific point of view the purpose of an analysis is to give accurate information concerning the composition of the sample. From a potable point of view it is to determine whether or not the water is suitable for consumption. From a technical point of view the desired knowledge lies in the direction of the utility of the water for the technical purposes to which it is to be applied. Analyses are made of water, also, with a view of ascertaining what action, if any, the water may have on the containing vessels carrying it or in which it is to be held. For beverage purposes, and that is the principal purpose of this book, the analysis of water would be particularly interesting from a sanitary point of view. The presence of certain substances in water is connected more or less intimately with the potability of the sample, and the following principles of interpretation may be applied with that point in view.
hope this helps you.....!!
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The main purpose is to check the hardness of water in order to make sure it is drinkable.
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