What is the quantum of work done by a women in a household?can it be reduced? How?
In a household, women are expected to perform every role. She needs to nurture as a mother, love as a wife, cook as a chef and manage the entire household like a CEO! Women are expected to multitask and are berated even if one chore is left unfulfilled. As such, the quantum of work is high.
But, the rewards are aplenty! She is the cynosure of her family’s eye!
Women need to keep abreast of the latest gadgets if they want their workload to decrease. And, they need to delegate the chores to every member.
Solution: the women in a household perform almost all activities of the house from cooking till child nourishment.
Yes, it can be reduced at a great extent.
The men in the house should be highly cooperative with the women so that they can genuinely perform the work with less distress.