English, asked by prasadakash969, 1 month ago

What is the reason behind the damage of crystalline lens​


Answered by mayanksaha9125


The risk of excess UV exposure of the germinative cells of the lens is greatest from the side. Sunglasses can actually increase UV exposure of the germinative region of the crystalline lens and the corneal limbus by disabling the eyes' natural protective mechanisms of lid closure and pupil constriction!


They are completely transparent due to their highly ordered arrangement and along with other protein and chemical processes this keeps the lens transparent. With age, additional fibres are added to the outside, wrapping around the inner portion of the lens (the nucleus).

Answered by ishikasaini434


The crystalline lens of the eye is a natural lens which produces one-third of the eye's total optical power and focuses light into an image on the retina . The crystalline lens is elastic which allows it to flex in order to change its shape

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