what is the Reason behind the declining growth rate from 1971 onwards in India?
India has the world’s oldest population policy, having recognized rapid population growth as a serious national concern as early as 1952. At that time, women in India averaged about six lifetime births. With mortality rates falling, particularly maternal and infant rates, India’s population, which was about 350 million at Independence in 1948, was growing at an ever-increasing rate.
Since the inception of India’s population policy, fertility has fallen in fits and starts. By 2000, women were having an average of about 3.3 children. As has often been observed, a good part of the national fertility decline occurred in the southern states, which generally have higher rates of literacy and education, along with greater equality for women. In the graph, one such example is Tamil Nadu — a state where birth rates have declined to about two children per woman, but which also started from a lower level.