Social Sciences, asked by srinurayee1974, 1 year ago

What is the reason for change of thoughts of Muslims during 1937- 1947 ?


Answered by suryakoripuri626


The All-India Muslim League (popularised as the Muslim League) was a political party established in 1906 in British India. Its strong advocacy for the establishment of a separate Muslim-majority nation-state, Pakistan, successfully led to the partition of India in 1947 by the British Empire.

Answered by fatimazaidi249


Congress recieved an overwhelming support after elections,Congress treated Muslim league with disdain,Congress refused to co operate with the Muslim League.Congress rule from 1937-1939 was a significant period for Hindus but  for Muslims it was a period of tyranny and operation.

Wardah Scheme

Firstly, the Wardah Scheme was introduced which playes an imporatant role in creating hatred amongest Muslims. The scheme was an educational scheme based on the ideology of GandhiEducation Ministers made Hindi the medium of guidance, removed religious studies and extra-cirricular activities loike cotton spining were introduced.Muslims saw this scheme as the alarming bell  it was reported that pupils were made to bow down to a picture of Gandhi as a sign of respect but it created a religious conflict as muslim saw these measure as attemps to divert love for islam amongst the future generation.


Band-e-Mathram was a song which also contributed creating conflich between Hindus and Muslims.A hindu nationalish song  was written in 1870 and was a part of C.bankim's novel Anandmath.The song was based on theme of praisng motherland.Overall, the song was very well written but the 3rd and 4th stanza causes controversies.It said that the praise of motherland was inclined towards Hindu Gods and Godessess.This was not likes by Muslims, and encourages expulsion of muslims from India.

Congress Tyrant Event

It played an important role in hearts of muslims.Radical people were creating violence and were trying to establish a larger gap between hindus and Muslims.Muslims feared that a major aim of the extremist was to eliminate Muslim practices from society.the extremist behave in an appealing way. Cow's meat was banned and punisments were imposed on slautering of cows.Azaan was porohibited and attacks were carried out on mosque.Noisy processions were arranged near mosques especially at prayer timings.Pigs were thrown in mosque.Sometimes, anti-muslim riots attacked muslims and destroy their shelter and assets by setting them on fire.

inall, the Congress rule proved to be a hard time for Muslim and it completely changed the view and thoughts of Muslim for Congress.These events covered all the social,reloigious and economic aspects in which the Muslim of league were affected and these events signified the important of "partying of ways" from Hindus and now try to remove the ideology of Hindu-Muslim unity completely.

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