What is the relation between longitude and time?
Local time is the time at one particular meridian. Since the sun cannot transit two meridians simultaneously, no two meridians have exactly the same local time. The difference in time between two meridians is the time of the sun's passage from one meridian to the other.
RELATION BETWEEN LONGITUDE AND TIMEAs the sun apparently makes a completer revolution (360) about the earth in one solar day (24 h), and as the longitudes of the earth range from 0to 360, it follows that in 1 hour the sun apparently traverses 360/24 = 15of longitudeIt follows that, the difference in local time between two places, whether the time under consideration be sidereal, mean solar, or apparent solar, is equal to the difference in longitude between the two places, expressed in hoursSome solar ephemeredes are for the meridian of Greenwich, and a frequentproblem is to find the local time corresponding to a given instant of Greenwich time or vice versaThe local time (L.T.) of a place at a given instant is obtained by adding or subtracting from the Greenwich time (G.T.) the difference in longitude (), expressed in hours, between the two placesIf the place is east of Greenwich, the difference in longitude is added; if the place is west; the difference in longitude is subtractedRelationship between Time and LongitudeIn these problems concerning time intervals and longitud