Social Sciences, asked by ssdevika, 1 year ago

What is the relation between the shadow and the time of the day


Answered by brainer9657


At any other time of day, a shadow is at some angle away from north. The size of the angle changes with the motion of the sun. in the morning, the angle between the shadow and north is large. It gets smaller until noon, when the shadow and north line up.

When the sun is in front of you, the shadow forms behind you. If the sun is to your left, then the shadow forms to your right. If the sun is to your right, then the shadow forms to your left.

-At different times of the day, your shadow will be different because of the position of the sun. -Your shadow is small at noon because the sun is above you. In the morning and evening, your shadow will be tall.

hope it helps.........

Answered by ashnishinnu



Knowing North:Understanding the Relationship between Time and the SunThe sun dagger at Chaco Canyon is thought by many to be a sort of ancient timekeepingdevice. By creating a place where the movement of the sun could be tracked day afterday, Chacoans could mark the passage of time and gain some idea of when seasonswere changing. They used a location they knew—nearby Fajada Butte—to figure outwhat they didn’t know:  the time.This works because there is a cyclical relationship between the passage of time andwhere the earth is in its daily and yearly rotations. In fact, it’s these very rotations—thespin of the earth on its axis and the length of its tour around the sun—that we use tomeasure days and years.For centuries, people have relied on the position of the sun in the sky as a way to tell thetime. That position is, of course, dependent on where you are on the globe. The sunmight be high overhead in California at the same moment when it’s setting on thehorizon in Berlin.

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