Sociology, asked by harshsharma7615, 11 months ago

what is the relationship between westernization and secularism​


Answered by sharp65


westernization ( modernization) involves process of secularization; that is, it systematically challenges religious institutions, beliefs, and practices, substituting for them those of reason and science. This process was first observable in Christian Europe toward the end of the 17th century. (It is possible that there is something inherently secularizing about Christianity, for no other religion seems to give rise spontaneously to secular beliefs.) At any rate, once invented in Europe, especially Protestant Europe, secularization was carried as part of the “package” of industrialism that was exported to the non-European world. Wherever modern European cultures have impinged, they have diffused secularizing currents into traditional religions and nonrational ideologies.

Although secularization is a general tendency or principle of development in modern societies, this does not imply that religion is driven out altogether from society. In fact, as one of the most modernized countries in the world, the United States is also among the world’s most religious. Against a deep background of tradition, modernization inevitably leaves many religious practices in place and may even stimulate new ones. Religious rituals, such as Christian baptism and church weddings, persist in all industrial societies; the church may, as in England and Italy, continue to play an important moral and social role. The majority of the population may hold traditional religious beliefs alongside more scientific ones. There may even be, as in the United States and in industrializing societies such as India, waves of religious revivalism that involve large sections of the population.

Hope it helpful!!

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