what is the rhyme scheme of the Dawn's Awake?
first you say the poem then I'll say the rhyming scheme
First Pasage:
"The Dawn's awake!
A flash of sm oldering fla me and fire
Ignites the East. Then, hig her, higher,
O'er all the sky so gray, forl orn,
The torch of g old is bo rne."
In this stan za, the poet says that it is time of da wn. The su n is rising from the east making the sky look like it is bu rning with red flame. The sun rises high er and higher until it is only a golden ball of fire.
Second Pa sage:
"The Da wn's awake!
The d awn of a thousand dreams and thrills.
And music si nging in the hills
A pa ean of eternal spr ing
Voi ces the new awa kening."
This d awn is not only a na tural pro cess but also a dawn, a aw akening of drea ms and fears. With a new dawn, comes new sp rings of ne w dre ams and new thrills.