What is the role of a house vice captain to maintain discipline in his house
What are the most important characteristics sought in a student wishing to become a House Captain or House Vice-Captain?
The role of House Captain and House Vice-Captain are positions of responsibility within the School-wide community. It is important, therefore, to possess the following basic characteristics:
Positive leadership skills
A strong School ‘Spirit’
Good organisational skills
A supportive, caring and fair attitude
A respectful conduct towards House members and the whole-School community
Be responsible, and a good role model
What duties will a House Captain or House Vice-Captain be expected to perform?
A House Captain and a House Vice-Captain will be expected to:
Support their House Teachers in respect of communicating to the School-wide community, and in the organisation of various events, such as:
Communicating any relevant news to their House Members
Communicate and clarify the rules/procedures to follow in each Interhouse event
Help in the selection of the students to represent their House in the various Interhouse events
Ensure all students participate in at least one event during the Interhouse Day
Assist with the solidarity campaigns by receiving, organising, counting and recording donations.
Any other relevant House-related tasks
Act as link between House Teachers and House Members
Coordinate work to be done within their House with the Captains of the other Year Groups
Motivate and encourage students to participate in Interhouse events throughout the year