What is the role of Education in Human Capital formation ?
Answer in Short !!
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Education is the most important component of human resource department by following ways:
1st:proper education and training enable the formation of this human capital. An educated population is a asset,a resource.
2nd: Education enhances the quality and quantity of individual productivity, which is turn adds to the economy.
3rd:It developes personality and sense of national consciousness among the people which are important for rapid economic growth.
1) Education has a vital role to play in the formation of human capital.
2) Education makes the people concerned for themselves and for others.
3)it also helps in the development of the society and for better environment among the society.
4) Education increases the productivity and prosperity , also it enriches the standerd of living.
5)Education is important assets for human capital and it leads to its formation along with skills.
6) Human capital is the basically the stock of knowledge, habits, and personality attributes or qualities.
7) Human capital is very important for prosperities of our civilization as physical capital is important for economic development.
8) Human capital is unique and it differs from any other capital of development.
9) Human capital is an important aspect needed for companies to achieve thier goals.