What is the role of forestry in uplifting the socio economic conditions of local people
daily reality shows that the anthropic intervention is direct both during the stages of creation of these types of ecological
systems through the actual removal or total elimination of the components of the natural ecosystems and by the influence on
some physical and chemical systems and especially on the bio-geo-chemical mechanisms starting with the sowing or plantation
stages, species amelioration, fertilization, fighting pests etc., without which the ecosystems are practically disconnected from the
functional hierarchy called environment. Consequently, the primordial task the research and especially the specialists with
expertise in economy and ecology have is the creation of a vision as widely accepted as possible on a sustainable society in the
long run, which would be capable not just of offering prosperity in the conditions of significant biophysical constraints of the real
world, in a way that would be correct and equitable, for as many as possible, namely for the largest part of the biosphere, starting
from the human communities and ending with the most insignificant species, many of them not yet researched. A session on the
competitiveness of the forestry sector examined the actual contribution of the wood and other forest products to the European
economy and employment, on examples coming from France, Romania and the United Kingdom. The conclusion showed that
this competitiveness encourages managerial innovation, stimulates the formation of partnerships and lies at the basis of the
common efforts of making the forest economically and ecologically viable and that the consolidation of the capabilities is an
essential factor for success. The participants continued by examining the need for efficient supply chains and the local forest-
related governance strategies from different areas. This session clearly highlighted the fact that, in order to be able to contribute
to the socioeconomic development of the rural areas, the rural companies in charge with wood collection need price policies that
have to adapt to the conditions of the local market. Sustainable forest exploitations occupy an important place in the future of the
common agricultural policy and someday the support offered to the forest by the European Union in the long r