what is the role of Police in investigating a crime??
The police play a crucial role and are an important part of criminal justice system. They have
to maintain peace and enforcement of law and order within its territorial jurisdiction. Police
as a law enforcement agency has a fundamental duty to safeguard the rights of the people.
The traditional function of the police was to deal with criminal in action but now they have
been involved in various other functions like control of crowd, civilian defence, licensing
regulations etc. Police has assumed the role of a social service organisation in the modern
welfare states and has no longer remained a mere watch-dog agency. The most important
function of the police is to investigate any complaint that is reported in their station. The
investigation includes recording statements of witnesses and collecting all the evidences
related to the case.
Criminal investigation commences when the police come to know of the commission of a
crime or have suspicion that a crime may be committed if they do not act on their part to stop
it at preparatory stage. With a view to perform their duties in efficient manner the police have
to associate with public and seek their cooperation. One of the major difficulties that arise
mainly in investigation process by police agencies is lack of social support to police agencies.
The people are generally of the opinion that supporting police in crime detection would lead
to harassment at the instance of police officials. Police carry a very low profile in the eyes of
general public and a general distrust exist between them. The police role to curb crime
depends on its investigation process. Police investigations have to be conducted in
accordance with law and with full respect for human rights.
There is a need to improve the police image and credibility in the society. Further, police
investigations have to be conducted in accordance with law and with full respect for human
rights. The members of the society should realise that it is their social as well as moral
obligation to help police in suppression of crimes.
The researcher aims to highlight the various issues as to what are the functions of the police.
The emphasis would be laid down upon how investigation of crime being carried down by
the police. So, the benefits and significance of study are quite obvious as to the role of police
in the community and their relations with the community and how they perform as an
important functionary of the justice system.
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