What is the. Scientific name of. Cockroach?
Periplaneta americana
pls mark me brainliest
The different types of scientific name of cockroach given at the right side are -
(i) The American cockroach - Periplaneta americana
(ii) The Florida woods cockroach - Eurycotis floridana
(iii) The oriental cockroach - Blatta orientalis
(iv) The German cockroach - Blattella germanica
(v) The Asian cockroach - Blattella asahinai
(vi) The Surinam cockroach - Pycnoscelus surinamensis
(vii) The brown-banded cockroach - Supella longipalpa
(viii) The Australian cockroach - Periplaneta australasiae
(ix) The smoky brown cockroach - Periplaneta fuliginosa
(x) The Pennsylvania woods cockroach -
Parcoblatta pennsylvanica
(xi) The brown cockroach - Periplaneta brunnea
(xii) The Madagascar hissing cockroach - Gromphadorhina portentosa