what is the sentences
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Set of words arranged in a appropriate manner is called a sentence
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Sentence is a group of words which are in such order that makes a sense. It mostly contain a Subject and Predicate.
Example :- Parcho loves to do nothing
- Parcho is the subject.
- Loves to do nothing is the predicate.
Types of Sentences :-
Declarative Sentence :-
- Declares something Makes a statement
- It is the most common type of Sentence
- Ends with a full stop (.)
Imperative Sentence :-
- It is a Sentence which conveys a order, command, wish or request.
Interrogative Sentence :-
- Yes/no questions
- Ends with question mark (?)
Exclamatory Sentence :-
- Used for express feelings
- Sentences include Exclamatory mark (!)
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