What is the significance of Ashoka Pillar at Sarnath?
The pillars and edicts represent the first physical evidence of the Buddhist faith. The inscriptions assert Ashoka's Buddhism and support his desire to spread the dharma throughout his kingdom.
The Ashoka Pillar at Sarnath and edicts represent the first physical evidence of the Buddhist faith. This inscriptions assert Ashoka's Buddhism and support his desire to spread the dharma throughout his kingdom inverted lotus flower forms a platform for this pillar and at the top are four lions sitting back to back facing the four directions. The pillar include an a galloping horse, elephant, a lion, and a bull, separated by intervening spooked chariot-wheels – the Dharma Chakra with 24 spokes.
The four lions on the Pillar represent Ashoka's rule all over the four directions, the wheels are the symbols of his enlightened rule and the four animals (elephant, bull, horse, lion) represent four adjoining territories of India.