English, asked by amiteshgonda, 8 months ago

what is the significance of mother tongue? how did it effect Franz and France?​


Answered by wordsdaily101


Themes which are prevalent in "The Last Lesson" by Alphonse Daudet are love for own's mother tongue, freedom of language and patriotism.

The Prussians denied the freedom to the people Lorraine and Alsace to learn their own language.

The colonizers take way the right of the people. This story stresses the importance of education and one should respect their own language. The practice of linguistic chauvinism is highlighted in this story to draw our attention. It focuses on disregarding other languages and taking pride in own mother tongue or language.

People of Lorraine and Alsace are the victims of linguistic chauvinism. They are forced to learn German. Whereas, when in school, French was taught Franz and his friends used to take the lesson lightly. This highlights our value to things which are less when we have it more. Also, the parents preferred to see their children working well rather than learning French.

Later they realize upon how they missed the French classes and they were sorry about it. How Prussians drilled their land is shown by how unfairly they are treated and have a sense of loss.

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