What is the significance of npp and.What are the major steps taken to protect adolesemt population?
After recognising that the family planning would improve the individual health and welfare the Government of India initiated its first family planning programme in 1952 this promoted responsible and planned parenthood on a voluntary basis in the year 2000 the government formulated National Population Policy NPP 2000 NPP had the following major objectives-
providing a Framework for imparting free and compulsory School Education up to 14 years
reducing infant mortality rate to below 30 per 1000.
Achieving Universal immunization of children against all vaccine preventable diseases
promoting delayed marriage of girls
making Family Welfare of people centred program.
National Population Policy 2000 identified adolescence as one of the major section of the population that needed greater attention and bp 2000 put greater emphasis on the important needs of adolescence including protection from unwanted pregnancies sexually transmitted diseases stds list of unprotected sex it focused on programs that M towards encouraging delayed marriage and child bearing education of adolescents, providing food supplements and national services etc.
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