what is the significance of the full moon when an artist should complete his work
A lunar calendar is a calendar based upon the monthly cycles of the Moon's phases (synodic months), in contrast to solar calendars, whose annual cycles are based only directly upon the solar year. The most commonly used calendar, the Gregorian calendar, is a solar calendar system that originally evolved out of a lunar calendar system. A purely lunar calendar is also distinguished from a lunisolar calendar, whose lunar months are brought into alignment with the solar year through some process of intercalation. The details of when months begin varies from calendar to calendar, with some using new, full, or crescent moons and others employing detailed calculations.
Since each lunation is approximately 29 1⁄2 days (29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, 3 seconds, or 29.530588 days), it is common for the months of a lunar calendar to alternate between 29 and 30 days. Since the period of twelve such lunations, a lunar year, is only 354 days, 8 hours, 48 minutes, 34 seconds (354.367056 days), purely lunar calendars lose around 11 days per year relative to the Gregorian calendar. In purely lunar calendars like the Islamic calendar, the lack of intercalation causes the lunar months to cycle through all the seasons of the Gregorian year over the course of a 33 lunar-year cycle.
Although the Gregorian calendar is in common and legal use in most countries, traditional lunar and lunisolar calendars continue to be used throughout the Old Worldto determine religious festivals and national holidays.
How to draw full moon?
Step 1. It is very important when drawing the Moon to have a basic idea of the major landmark. The dark areas of the Moon are called "maria" plural or "mare" singular. I've gone ahead an highlighted a few of the main ones in blue. The areas highlighted in orange are craters. There are plenty of craters and maria on the Moon but these five should help you draw a more true to life Moon.
Step 2. Start out by picking your materials. I used a 9B pencil for my dark shading but any B pencil should work. An H pencil was used for light shading. I also used a compass to draw my initial circle. If you don't have a compass use something like a round can to trace a circle onto paper.
Step 3. Start of by drawing a circle in the center of your paper. Draw it lightly.
Step 4. Use a 9B pencil to roughly shade over the sky
Step 5. Blend in your shading using a paper towel or cloth.
Step 6. Roughly shade another layer onto the sky using the same pencil.
Step 7. Blend in your shading using a paper towel or cloth.
Step 8. Use the same paper towel or cloth from the previous steps and blend the remaining graphite onto the Moon. Then take an eraser and roughly divide the Moon into quadrants.
how to draw the moon step 9
Step 9. Use the 9B pencil to start sketching the landmasses in quadrant by quadrant.
how to draw the moon step 10
Step 10. Continue sketching in. Build up your Moon's outline as you move along.
how to draw the moon step 11
Step 11. Sketch in the rest of the masses.